It will be expensive to create healthier cities. But a recent survey of mayors revealed that a majority believes their cities were too car-centric. Many wanted to invest more in bike infrastructure, parks and public sports complexes. Cities with high levels of obesity typically don’t make these features a priority. The U.S. health care system, with its emphasis on tests and interventions to treat individual illness rather than on prevention, is the most expensive in the world with only modest levels of health outcomes and life expectancy compared to similarly wealthy countries. Integrating better diets and more physical activity into everyday urban life can help Americans become healthier more effectively, and at less cost. <インサイト(洞察力)が毎日あなたの受信箱に届く。 The Conversationのメールマガジンで入手できます。 ジョン・レニー・ショート 公共政策大学院教授 メリーランド大学ボルチモア校 この記事はクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスの下、The Conversationから転載されたものです。記事を読む オリジナル記事.