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In case you missed it, 2018 was designated the Year of the Kerbby Sabrina Sussman, Zipcar’s public partnerships manager. This is because competition for limited kerb space has been increasing over the past few years, particularly in cities. The kerb is the place that provides “access” between the street and the footpath. The definition tends to include the lane beyond the kerb that is used for car parking, bus stops, taxi pickups and dropoffs, and loading and unloading goods. But kerb competition is increasing from a range of new users including: car sharing, ride sharing, e-scooter share, bike share and e-bike share, food delivery, online order deliveries and, in coming years, autonomous vehicles. And this increasing focus on the kerb is highlighted in recent reports by the Institute of Traffic Engineers, the International Transport Forum and North America’s National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). With this range of new users, cities need to rethink how they manage this contested real estate. Without better kerb management, cities will face increased congestion on local streets from vehicles circulating to access the kerb and on footpaths from a range of shared mobility devices. One change cities will need to make to accommodate these new users is to repurpose kerb space, which has traditionally been used for parking, to other uses. This change will most likely have a significant financial impact. One survey of the 25 largest US cities found parking-related revenues totalled US$5 billion in 2016, or about US$129 per person. While repurposing kerb space will not affect all of this revenue, it will have an impact on city budgets. To minimise this impact, cities will need to think about if, and how, to charge new users of kerb space.


  1. 走行レーン、自転車レーン、バスレーンのモビリティ
  2. バス停、駐輪場、ローディングゾーンを利用する人々のアクセス
  3. 商品配送のための商業アクセス
  4. 小さな公園、屋台、パブリックアートの活性化
  5. 植栽、レインガーデン、バイオスウェールの緑化
  6. 駐車場、バス待合所、工事用倉庫。
縁石に関する最初の詳細な分析のひとつがサンフランシスコで行われた。ウーバー・テクノロジーズが2018年に委託したこの調査の一環として、コンサルタント(Fehr and Peers)は縁石の生産性指数(CPI)を開発した。この指数は、縁石利用の生産性を比較するために3つのことを考慮した。
  1. モード別縁石スペース利用者数
  2. 活動が観察された期間
  3. その用途に特化した総面積。


The CPI is a useful way of quantifying the various competing uses for the kerb. It’s calculated by dividing the amount of activity by the amount of space used, multiplied by the unit of time. For example, the CPI for a bus stop that uses 45 metres of kerb for 250 arriving and departing passengers over four hours would be: 250 passengers/(45 metres x 4 hours), or 1.39 passengers/metre-hours. Alternatively, the CPI for a car space that uses five metres of kerb that services two passengers over four hours would be: 2 passengers/(5 metres x 4 hours), or 0.1 passengers/metre-hours. The CPI shows a bus stop is 13.9 times (1.39/0.1) more productive than a car park. This analysis of usage data provides some rigour in developing a kerb management plan.


  1. 既存の縁石を他の地域に移設する。
  2. コンバージョン:現在の用途の一部を廃止し、新しい用途に置き換えること。
  3. そのため、時間帯によって縁石の使い方が変わる。
Trials of flexible kerb management are under way in Washington DC, San Francisco and Fort Lauderdale. In changing how the kerb is managed, the 2018 report from North America’s National Association of City Transportation Officials recommends a “measurement over myth” strategy when converting parking to other uses. Surveys on arrival mode consistently show public transport and active travel modes deliver more customers to adjacent businesses than private motor vehicles. Before-and-after studies confirm that replacing parking with public transport or bike lanes increases sales for area businesses. While new mobility startups are part of the reason cities need to develop kerb management plans, other startups are developing new ways to manage this increasingly contested space. Some of these new companies include:
  • Sidewalkのスピンオフ企業であるCoord社のオープンカーブスは、車いす用通路、消火栓、バス停、その他の物理的な縁石を提供する。
  • サンフランシスコの運送会社ポピュラスは、eスクーターとeバイクのシェア駐車データを提供するモビリティ・マネージャーを開発した。
  • リミックスは、データストリーミングフィードを分析・視覚化するためのツール「ニューモビリティ」を開発した。
These startups have raised millions of dollars, due in part to the recognised value of the kerb. Cities need to make the transition from parking cities to pickup/dropoff cities and to flexible cities. For this to happen, cities will need to think strategically about how to manage their kerbs with the emergence of new users and new mobility management options. One of the first steps in this transition is for cities to ensure data standards and data-sharing arrangements are established as part of the basis for giving new users permission to access the kerb. ニール・サイプ 都市・地域計画学教授、 クイーンズランド大学 この記事はクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスの下、The Conversationから転載されたものです。元の記事を読む